Community Cleanup Day: Safety Rules To Remember

Community cleanup days are fantastic volunteer opportunities for youngsters. Their efforts not only benefit the local environment and improve the neighborhood, but they also get the children outside and provide them with a sense of civic pride. However, the potential for injuries is very real while collecting trash – cuts, bruises, insect bites, sunburn and other problems can occur if proper safety protocols aren't in place. Insist that the children follow the following rules to avoid accidents and injuries. [Read More]

Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Septic Tank

As spring comes around, it is time to start cleaning up your house and getting it ready for the coming year. If you got a lot of rain and snow this winter or experienced any type of flooding, you need to pay attention to your septic tank. Here are three things you need to do for your septic tank this spring. #1 Make Sure Your Septic Tank Is Sealed Properly [Read More]

Options For Water Filtration

There are many different types of water filters out there, and not all are suited for home use. Here are some of the best household-friendly water softening options, with the benefits and disadvantages of each.  Water Filter Pitchers Many families will reach for the water pitcher filters when they're first starting to filter their home water. These pitchers generally use a Granulated Activated Charcoal system to collect contaminants and remove them from the water. [Read More]

Three Questions Worth Asking Before You Rent A Dumpster

Whether you're planning a home renovation, wanting to de-clutter extra possessions before a move, or organizing a spring cleanup of your community, renting a dumpster can greatly improve the ease of the job. Any project that will involve disposing of a significant amount of waste has the potential to waste your time and your energy, but being able to gather everything in a rented dumpster that is later picked up by a truck will make your life easier. [Read More]